
Tuesday's Photo Art Tweetchat - Looking back on 2009

Tonight 9-10 pm EST we continue our weekly Photo Art Tweet chat. Last week we had a very successful conversation with first guest tweeter, Darius Himes, an acquiring editor at Radius Books. Thanks everyone for joining in the conversation and thanks again to Darius Himes for taking the time to join us. You can get more info and a transcript here: This weeks topic will be looking back on the past year. What are the things about 2009 that stick out in your memory about Art Photography? We will cover areas such as the best museum show, gallery show, photobook, new photographer? And other relevant topics that made art in 2009 stimulating.

These Art Photography Twitter Chats anyone can join in or just read it live by using the hashtag #photoartchat on Twitter. One easier way to transform twitter into a chat room is and entering the photoartchat room here:

PS., you should follow OcularOctopus on Twitter, here: and me here:

First art photography tweetchat: The Future of the Photobook.

Tomorrow evening, December 15th, I'll be moderating and chatting with Todd Walker for a chat about the future of the photobook. We'll be online to talk the future of the photobook from 9-10 pm Eastern / 6-7 pm Pacific.

This will be the first in a series of regular Tuesday night tweetchats. Since this is the first time we've tried something like this it's going to be experimental. I have borrowed this idea from the book / literature community, which holds weekly tweetchats. To see what they are talking about twitter search #litchat #yalitchat #kidlitchat and you'll get and idea. I hope to get the entire photographic community involved with these tweetchats. The amazing part is the way the literature community has embraced this forum. Everyone from literary agents to authors to editors and readers and fans are able to join in to the conversations.

For our art photography chats anyone can join in or just read it live by using the hashtag #photoartchat on Twitter. One easier way to transform twitter into a chat room is and entering the photoartchat room here:

PS., you should follow OcularOctopus on Twitter, here: and me here: