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GUGGENHEIM FORUM: Haunted: Contemporary Photography/Video/Performance

There is an Online Forum going on now presented by the Guggenheim Museum on in relation to their current exhibition Haunted: Contemporary Photography/Video/Performance. Every photographer should take a hard look at the debates in this forum and the art in the show. The show is one of the best group photography shows I have seen in a long time. Many of the artworks I have seen before or have learned about in school but its great to see them in relation to other works that are unfamiliar.

Tonight there is an Live Forum. I'm looking forward to seeing how its run and comparing it to how we have been doing #artphotochat.

On Repeat: Session 1

On Repeat: Session 2

On Repeat: Session 3

PARTICIPATE ONLINE IN THE GUGGENHEIM FORUM Panel Discussion: Mon, June 21–Fri, June 25 Live Chat: Thurs, June 24, 3 pm EDT Join thinkers from a variety of fields to discuss the cultural impulse toward repetition in life and art, inspired by the current exhibition Haunted: Contemporary Photography/Video/Performance. Learn how reenactment and reiteration have become important devices in contemporary artistic practice across creative mediums.

The Guggenheim Forum is a continuing series of moderated online discussions catalyzing intelligent conversation on the arts, architecture, and design. This fourth installment, titled On Repeat, runs now through Friday, June 25. Visitors from around the world are invited to share their thoughts and participate in a live chat session with participants on Thursday, June 24, at 3 pm EDT.


  • Drew Daniel, professor at Johns Hopkins University, author of 20 Jazz Funk Greats, and one half of the electronic music-duo Matmos
  • Simon During, professor at the University of Queensland and author of Exit Capitalism: Literary Culture, Theory and Post-Secular Modernity
  • John Malpede, director of acclaimed theatrical, installation, and public-art projects. His workBright Futures was shown at the 2009 Performa Festival
  • Amy Taubin, contributing editor of Sight & Sound and Film Comment magazines, a frequent contributor to Artforum, and former curator of video and film at the Kitchen

Tonight, Tuesday's Photo Art Tweetchat - Continuing the conversation: Is Photography is in its death-throes?

Last Week's Tweet chat we discussed photography by starting with a comment left on Amy Stein's Facebook status by New York Art Critic Jerry Saltz:

I do not think that the word "emerging" is the problem; it merely denotes a phase of one's exhibiting career. I think that the lurking problematic term is, ah, "photographer!"

Photography is clearly going through simultaneous death-throes, transformation, rebirth, and other out-of-medium experinces.

That is what you should be thinking about. That's where the real THRILL will be.

This past week he dropped that comment into his own Facebook page and began a flood of over 300 comments. After his reposting Saltz also posed this question

Let's learn. Define the word "Postmodernism" (in art ONLY). Your definition CANNOT BE MORE THAN 2 or 3 SIMPLE sentences.

I responded:

Postmodernism in photography is photography that is meta aware. That is aware of its histories, truths, construction and realities and then communicates through that awareness.

In addition to the artist I mentioned last week I want to add a show I saw this past week "Lunch Break" by Sharon Lockhart at Gladstone Gallery.

Outside AB Tool Crib: Matt, Mike, Carey, Steven, John, Mel and Karl, 2008 Chromogenic print; 49 x 68 1/2 inches (124.7 x 174.2 cm) framed

That's where we will begin again for tonight using that quote as a starting point for our weekly photo art chat.

  • where is art photography NOW? dead/alive/rebirth?
  • what is transforming, rebirthing into
  • how do the practices of documentary live along side the conceptual, constructed, abstract and appropriation?
  • art art photographer's artists or art artist art photographers? does it even matter?

Join in tonight at 9 pm EST.

These Art Photography Twitter Chats anyone can join in or just read it live by using the hashtag #photoartchat on Twitter. One easier way to transform twitter into a chat room is and entering the photoartchat room here:

PS., you should follow OcularOctopus on Twitter, here: and me here: