'Make love to me' (set by Beso Uznadze) Photograph by © Harlan Erskine
A few months ago curator, Stuart Pilkington, asked me to work on a new project called The Chain. The Project operated similar to an old parlor game called Exquisite corpse. One artist thinks of a title of an image. The title then gets passed on to the next artist and they have to make an image based upon that title. I was given the title 'Make love to me.' At first I really was uninspired by the title. But as it settled in I started to think about lover's lanes and found out about a lovers lane beach in New York near Coney Island. I drove out there with my camera totally unsure of if I would find anything I could use but I had to start shooting. Below is the final shot I submitted for the The Chain and it is the first frame I shot of that beach walk. I'm still working on the rest of the images I made that day and I'll be posting more about what they are in the future. Needless to say it was a very productive walk on the beach.
Here is the link to my Chain page. http://www.chainproject.co.uk/harlanerskine.html
Here is the full list of the photographers involved:
Aernout Overbeeke
- Dutch
Alejandro Cartagena
- Dominican
Alexey Tikhonov
- Russian
Aline Smithson
- American
Amy Eckert
- American
Amy Stein
- American
Andrea Chu
- American
Andrew Phelps
- American
Annabel Clark
- American
Beso Uznadze
- Georgian
Beth Dow
- American
Bieke Depoorter
- Belgian
Björn Sterri
- Norwegian
Bob O'Connor
- American
Colin Blakely
- American
Colleen Plumb
- American
Corey Arnold
- Norwegian
Daniel Shea
- American
Darcy Hemley
- American
David Bram
- American
Diana Scheunemann
- Swiss
Eamon Mac Mahon
- Canadian
Elinor Carucci
- Israeli
Elizabeth Fleming
- American
Elizabeth Gordon
- British
Erika Larsen
- American
Faisal Abdu'Allah
- British
Flavia Sö'llner
- German
Flora Hanitijo
- Chinese
Francisco Reina
- Spanish
Freya Najade
- German
Geert Goiris
- Belgian
Geoffrey Ellis
- American
Gonzalo Puch
- Spanish
Harlan Erskine
- American
Harry Borden
- American
Harry Watts
- British
Hin Chua
- Australian
Hiroshi Watanabe
- Japanese
Igor Starkov
- Russian
Iosif Kiraly
- Romanian
Irina Rozovsky
- American
Jake Stangel
- Canadian
Janaina Tschäpe
- Dutch
Jennifer Boomer
- American
Jenny Riffle
- American
Jens Lucking
- German
John Stathatos
- Greek
Joerg Colberg
- German
Juliane Eirich
- German
Justin Maxon
- American
Kate Hutchinson
- Canadian
Kathryn Hillier
- American
Kelli Connell
- American
Kevin J Miyazaki
- American
Klaus Pichler
- Austrian
Lane Collins
- American
Laura Hynd
- British
Laura Pannack
- British
Li Wei
- Chinese
Lisa Wiseman
- American
Liz Kuball
- American
Loan Nguyen
- Swiss
Luis Diaz Diaz
- Spanish
Mac Adams
- British
Maïa Roger
- French
Marie Sjøvold
- Norwegian
Marina Gadonneix
- French
Mark Denton
- British
Mark Mahaney
- American
Martin Amis
- British
Martin Beckett
- British
Matt Eich
- American
Mauro Corinti
- Italian
Mayumi Lake
- Japanese
Michael Itkoff
- American
Nick Turpin
- British
Noah Kalina
- American
Olivier Despicht
- French
Paul Plews
- British
Philippe Herbet
- Belgian
Rachel Hulin
- American
Rachel Papo
- American
Renee Chartier
- American
Sarah Small
- American
Seba Kurtis
- Argentinian
Shane Lavalette
- American
Shannon Taggart
- American
Simon Winnall
- British
Sophie Gerrard
- British
Sue Parkhill
- Australian
Susana Raab
- Peruvian
Taj Forer
- American
Tema Stauffer
- American
Thomas Mailaender
- French
Tom Janssen
- Dutch
Vanessa Winship
- British
Victoria J Dean
- British
Wendy McMurdo
- British
Will Steacy
- American
Wolfram Hahn
- German
Xavier Delory
- Belgian
Ye Rin Mok
- Korean
Youngna Park
- American
Zhang Xiao
- Chinese
Zoe Norfolk
- British
ps I now have a tumblr: http://diary.harlanerskine.com/