Another Emerging Photographers Auction — harlan erskine

Another Emerging Photographers Auction

Sarah Palmer, Smog, South Mountain, 2008 E1DA

Daniel Cooney Fine Art is staging their second Emerging Photographers Auction via iGavel. The bidding began on January 2nd and will end on 21st. It's interesting to see the online space for 'art' photography grow. I don't think ultimately this will be the new way that people buy art. It seems like it might be degrading the value of art and moving it more into commerce. Sure its easier, more accessible to a wider audience and as convenient as buying is on eBay but it doesn't make economic sense to buy at auction a piece in an edition that's not sold out. How can value be determined when there are still 5 or more prints unsold? I'm all for selling art prints online in the right way with open and set prices. It just seems a little ahead of the game to auction an editioned print before the edition is sold out.

Either way there are a bunch of good pictures included from a large group of Photographers: Juliana Beasley, Timothy Briner, Nina Buesing, Tom Chambers, Megan Cump, Clayton Cotterell, Adrienne De Boer, Matt Eich, Sam Falls, Jon Feinstein, Mark William Fernandes, Amy Finkelstein, Lucas Foglia, Kyle Ford, Chuck Hemard, Oded Hirsch, Whitney Hubbs, Michael Itkoff, Dave Jordano, Christopher La Marca, Nyra Lang, Shane Lavalette, Pixy Liao, Walter Lockwood, Jennifer Loeber, Oz Lubling, Sara Macel, Jay Matthews, John Mann, Eri Morita, Carolyn Monastra, Nik Mirus, Sarah Palmer, Lydia Panas, Toni Pepe, Bradley Peters, Jeffrey Rich, Nadine Rovner, Noel Rodo Vankeulen, Shen Wei

You can bid on the Auction or just browse and watch the spectacle/experiment(?) of the commerce of emerging art.